Slate of Bills from Utah Delegation Pass Committee

Press Release

Today, the House Committee on Natural Resources advanced several federal lands bills including H.R. 5751 (Chairman Rob Bishop, R-Utah), H.R. 3777 (Rep. Mia Love, R-Utah), H.R. 4824 (Rep. John Curtis, R-Utah), and H.R. 5597 (Rep. Chris Stewart, R-Utah). In what may be a Committee first, a bill from each member of the Utah congressional delegation was passed.

"It's been said that Utah punches above its weight in Congress. Today's markup shows that the Beehive State is uniquely qualified and prepared to lead on these important policy matters. In Utah, we know about public lands; we know about history; and we know about the importance of local input and rural priorities. With legislation from each House member in the state, Utah asserts itself as a leader in the public land debates that have such significant impacts on our communities and the nation," Chairman Bishop said.

H.R. 4824, the Rural Broadband Permitting Efficiency Act of 2018, streamlines federal broadband permitting to encourage expansion of broadband service to rural communities.

"Access to reliable and fast broadband is critical to the success of every American family, student and small business. My bill will empower States and Tribal governments to more efficiently bring this resource to rural communities and help spur economic development in these areas. I am delighted to see my legislation pass out of the House Natural Resources Committee," Rep. Curtis stated.

H.R. 3777, the Juab County Conveyance Act of 2017, directs the Secretary of Agriculture to convey certain National Forest System land containing the Nephi Work Center in Juab County, Utah, to Juab County.

"The advancement of the Juab County Conveyance Act is a huge win for Utah's 4th District, and I applaud the Committee for its work in moving it forward. This bill would provide a cost-effective solution means for Juab County to enhance fire protection throughout the County and region, including on public lands. As a former mayor, I understand just how important this is to Utah's residents and am excited to advance this common-sense solution for them," Rep. Love stated.

H.R. 5597, the Desert Tortoise Habitat Conservation Plan Expansion Act, Washington County, Utah, provides for the expansion of the Desert Tortoise Habitat Conservation Plan, Washington County, Utah.

"Thank you to Chairman Bishop and the Natural Resources Committee for passing this bill to help Washington County. This legislation provides a long awaited, and much needed, norther corridor transportation route while adding further protection for the desert tortoise. We are now one step closer to providing for the needs of one of the fastest growing areas in the nation," Rep. Stewart said.

H.R. 5751, the Golden Spike 150th Anniversary Act, redesignates the Golden Spike National Historic Site as Golden Spike National Historical Park and establishes the Transcontinental Railroad Network.

The Committee also passed H.R. 5875 (Rep. Madeleine Bordallo, D-Guam) and H.R. 4528 (Rep. Darren Soto, D-Fla.).
